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Thuringia Rhon BETA » Карты FS 2013   » FS2009-2011.UCOZ.NET 
Thuringia Rhon BETA

Here is the New and Improved Central Kansas, with so much more detail, but still under 100 MB. Works great for both singleplayer and multiplayer.


-Has transporting and mowing missions (cannot edit the details for the missions because they are incorporated in the core game files)
-Cow zone and sheep zone moved close to farm.
- Default sell points, but moved around for convinience
-Pick up wool by the sheep pasture and sell at the spinnery
-Sell your eggs on the back side of the Farm Store
-A working Milktruck has been added to sell your milk. (he may still wiggle left and right occasionaly, but it has been improved alot since Beta testing.)
-No special mods needed, this map uses all default equipment, and any mod you want to add
-Includes a working PDA with correct PDA icons
-The nice mountain scenery has been kept on the north side of the map
-Added a new shed with fuel, seed, and fertilizer triggers by it on the South West of the map.
-Improved the hills (no more skips when you hire a worker to seed.)
-Still plenty of space for you to add any placeable building you want (solar panels, greenhouses, windmills, etc…)
-You will find while playing that a lot of running around between places has been kept to a minimum
-Added mowable grass any where there is green on the map.
-Also there is a nice big shed between the cow and sheep pastures for you to store your bales.
-All 35 fields have been cultivated, so all you have to do is start sowing after you buy them. You start off with 2 fields, field 8 and 11. Field 8 has been sown to Wheat and field 11 has been sown to Canola, so you can get right into the game harvesting. The rest of the fields you will need to buy.
-More realistic prices and sizes of the fields
-This map is perfect for the bigger machinery. Like the Case IH Quadtrack! You will enjoy using two combines on one field!

Thank you everybody for your support. You have driven me to create this wonderful map, and i cant wait to get on multiplayer with all of you.

You have my permission to edit my map for your own personal use. If you would like to upload on a different site, please keep the same name and let me know who you are and where you are uploading the map to. Thank you all for your patience.


MAP : Farmeryip starter map (Thank you!)
Hedges : Johan12
Testers : Guyke,great map testing, hard work and suggestions in the map.
Micmyfarm, great map tester!
Reaper214, A great map tester and helped me fix a few things I couldn’t quite figure out. (also for the polebarn).
Disturbed742, Great map testing, many, many, many suggestions.

Thank you guys for helping me once again through this project.

Download: Central Kansas Map V 2.0 [Depositifles.com]
Download: Central Kansas Map V 2.0 [Uploaded.to]

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