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«  Январь 2013  »
Central Kansas » Разное FS 2013   » FS2009-2011.UCOZ.NET 
Central Kansas

This map can be played as a singleplayer or multiplayer. Works great both ways. It has all default crops.

There are no missions in this map.Cowzone and sheepzone are in there original places, and has all of the default sell points but i have moved them around for convinience.

Sell the wool, and the eggs at the Farmstore trigger.

No special mods are needed, this map uses all default equipment, and any mod you want to add.

There is a nice mountain scenery on the North side of the map. And there is plenty of space around the map so you can add any placeable buildings you want (solar panels, greenhouses, etc..) You will find while playing that a lot of running around between places has been kept to a minimum, and the space between fields is less too.

All 35 fields have been cultivated, so all you have to do is start sowing after you buy them. You start off with 2 fields, field 11 and 8. Field 8 has been sown to wheat so you can start off harvesting. The rest of the fields you will need to buy.

This map is perfect for the bigger machinery. Like the Case IH Quadtrack! You will enjoy using two combines on one field!

I hope you enjoy playing on Central Kansas (my first map ever). Which is based on the big fields around here where i farm (Central Kansas).

MAP : Farmeryip starter map (Thank you!)
Hedges : Johan12
Testers : Guyke, for all his hard work and suggestions in the map. Thanks!
Micmyfarm, for all his hard work and suggestions in the map. Thanks!
Reaper214, Thank you for fixing my log errors!

Download: Central Kansas [Depositfiles.com]
Download: Central Kansas [Uploaded.to]

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