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«  Январь 2013  »
[BETA] Big European Map v 0.8 » Карты FS 2013   » FS2009-2011.UCOZ.NET 
[BETA] Big European Map v 0.8

This is the beta version of my map Big European Map 2013 v0.8.
This version is known to the map. Many things need to be addressed, analyzed and repaired. It takes time. However, I am providing this functional version of the map. It runs perfectly, but there are some final adjustments to be made before being released version 1.0.

Adjustments and improvements:

- Put the eggs in the right place
- More cows in the field
- Painting the ground (in some parts)
- Replacement of some objects on the map
- Leveling of some objects on the map
- Analysis of land for sale
- Proper positioning of icons
- Optimization of the textures (ls2011)
- Credits


Welcome to the farm of the highest technology in the world!
Here you can explore the various areas of agriculture and become a successful farmer.

General characteristics of the map (including the game farming Simulator 2013).

-> Major crops for cultivation of wheat, barley, rape, maize, sugar beet and potato.
-> Investment in clean and renewable energy:
-> A biogas plant
-> Torres Wind Power
-> The Solar Panels
-> Investment in greenhouses for growing tomatoes, lettuce and herbs
-> Investment in honey production
-> Investment in the dairy sector, milk cows
-> Investment in sheep
-> Create some chickens

All these possibilities require in some cases the use of special equipment and the technical field to achieve 100% yield: cattle needs to be well supplied with a balance of pasture, hay and silage. The lavoras need to be sprayed to achieve 100% production.

General characteristics of the map:

-> Large tracts of land for a mega production.
-> Fields planned.
-> green vegetation surrounds almost all crops.
-> own site for deployment of greenhouses, stock straw bales.
-> Complex grain storage (silos with elevators and bins for loading).
-> Several points of sales with varying prices.
-> Garage machines with gas station and filling station semenetes, fertilizer and pesticide.
-> Initial daily income of about $ 20,000 / h or $ 480.000/Day for free equipment investment hight-tec.


Time of growth (solution = increase)
form ms min/stages min h
2.4e+007 = 24000000ms = 400min/4 = 100min = 1h40min
4.82+007 = 48000000ms = 800min/4 = 200min = 3h20min
7.2e+007 = 72000000ms = 1200min/4 = 300min = 5h

The solution was quite simple. Increase the time for growth stage (5h). The same used on other maps.
However, you must put the game time in the real time and plant growth in slow.

After planting, you can speed up the time for plant growth and / or increasing time (5x, 15x, 30x60x120x)


Map by Tiago Piloneto

Download: [BETA] Big European Map v 0.8 [Depositifles.com]
Download: [BETA] Big European Map v 0.8 [Uploaded.to]

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